Spring Tent Revival - 309 Point Twp. Dr. Northumberland
May 18 - 24, 7pm each evening
1/15/25 - Sister Ortiz and friends are traveling to Nashville to cut her 2nd CD!
11/4/24- Jesus was not grieved because of fear, pain, possible failure or surviving death. He was grieved, because in His perfect holiness He was repulsed by sin and would soon face the rejection of the Father.
9/5/24 - Saul was convicted, in his mind doing Gods work, per the Jewish leaders of his day definition of Gods work. After his eyes were opened, he knew Gods work was through the Spirit, of Christ, not of man.
8/20/24- God will give us all a new name in Heaven. There are billions of unique sounds on earth humans cannot name (the wind rustling the leaves on one tree create a thousand sounds there is no human name for, for example), It will be easy for the Lord to give His children our own name for Him to call us!
8/2/24 - born once die twice; born twice die once
6/24/24- is the foundation of your house built upon a rock? The wind rain and storms may batter your roof and walls but if your foundation is secure in the rock, then you're blessed to and can weather any storm
6/12/23- I believe God was showing mercy to Lot because of His Love for Abraham, and Abraham’s desire not to see Lot destroyed. Not even 10 righteous. Keep praying and loving, God may show mercy on others because of His Love for you.
6/11/24 -
Many people have a misconception about God and what is required for us to go to heaven. They think of God as if He held a balance or pair of scales in His hand, weighing our good deeds on one side of the scales and our bad deeds on the other. As long as our good deeds outweigh our bad deeds, we think God will surely reward us with eternal life.
But that is a serious misunderstanding and is wrong. Instead, God’s standard is perfection, because He is a holy God who is without sin. That is why the Bible warns, “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it” (James 2:10). There is only one conclusion: “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).
How then can anyone be saved and have eternal life? Only by God’s grace and forgiveness. And God has made this possible because Jesus Christ took our sins and our punishment upon Himself when He died on the cross. He is without sin, but God put all your sins on Him and He willingly died for you because He loves you.
Do not trust your own goodness; you can never be good enough to earn your way to heaven. Instead, turn to Christ for the forgiveness you need, and ask Him to be your Lord and Savior.
Do not let your pride get in the way, but admit your need to God and trust Christ alone for your salvation. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).
4/24/24 -
4/15/24 - prayers for the group traveling to the Dominican May 6th!
4/8/24 - Because of web site glitches some segments of earlier Devotionals may be missing. Apologies.
4/7/24 - scientists claim sound, once uttered or made, never dissipate. Come judgement day is everything we ever said floating around the cosmos... Gods creation? Is the universe Gods vast storehouse of our utterances?
4/4/24 - Who was the boy with the loaves and fish? I was wondering how old he might be? Who packed his lunch? Was he honored to serve or did he even have an inkling of the importance of his presence? What was his motivation to come and see Jesus? did he have his parents or guardians' approval? His generosity lives forever in Scripture.
The Sunday Service has been moved. Go through the parking lot across from Coles and the rear of the building is located to the right of the alley that leads to Market St. (to the right of the wrought iron fence)
Sister Ortiz newest CD available!